
Quiet moments quotes
Quiet moments quotes

quiet moments quotes

“God has designed the amazing human body,” said Cameron Hatch with Latter-day Saint Charities, who spent years teaching refugees and others about the benefits of mindfulness. The more we learn about our bodies, the more we understand why quiet moments are a powerful tool. Later that day, He “went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone” ( Matthew 14:23). Similarly, after learning about the death of His cousin John, Jesus sailed to “a desert place apart” ( Matthew 14:13). The scriptures describe Him “rising up a great while before day,” saying that He “went out, and departed into a solitary place” ( Mark 1:35). Jesus also seemed to cherish quiet moments. After three days in these circumstances, Jonah was finally ready to access God’s mercy. I went down to the bottoms of the mountains” ( Jonah 2:2, 5–6). “Out of the belly of hell cried I,” he said. Jonah’s description of his time inside the fish is a reminder that moments of reflection are not always connected to happy times but rather are an awareness of the moment for what it is. Instead, he prayed and kept his heart open “all the day long” ( Enos 1:4). It was while Enos was in nature that the teachings of his childhood “sunk deep into heart” ( Enos 1:3). After reading James 1:5, he “reflected on it again and again” and “at length” decided to pray ( Joseph Smith-History 1:12–13). Joseph Smith wrote about quiet moments that led to the First Vision. Each book of scripture describes examples of quiet moments that led to changed lives and sometimes a change in the course of history. Scriptures suggest that making time for quiet moments is more than just a trendy self-help tip. I’ve come to use the term “quiet moments” to describe this pause, which creates space for us to recognize impressions, accept reality, and connect to the present instead of focusing on past regrets or future anxieties-often inviting the Spirit as a result.Ĭould practicing quiet moments bless your life? Quiet Moments in Scripture Some people call it “mindfulness” or “meditation.” In the scriptures and in Church we often learn about being still (see Psalm 46:10) or pondering (see 3 Nephi 17:3). Since that day, I’ve learned that the pausing sensation I experienced is something that can be practiced. I heard in my heart a message from Him: “You know I love you, right?” The healing words flowed through me like warm honey. That brief pause was enough for God to work with. And, more importantly, I stopped thinking and let myself absorb the beauty of the scene.

quiet moments quotes

That’s when sunshine sliced through the trees ahead of me, flashing just enough to get my attention.

quiet moments quotes

My thoughts ran along a familiar trail of checklists and self-doubts. It was during a summer internship in an unfamiliar city, and I was stressed, tired, and lonely.

Quiet moments quotes Patch#

I was walking along a crowded street when the patch of heaven appeared.

Quiet moments quotes